Revisiting Kahikinui CBED & Makai Management Plan Dismantling Hopelessness on Maui Paddling in Stolen Waters GenY Hawaiians Fighting Real Estate Fraud Ask Why? A&B and East Maui Irrigation Commit Massive Environmental Crimes Addressing Solutions for Maui’s Unsheltered There’s No Water Under The Bridge Maui Sand Burials & the Grand Heist of 30Mil a Year Challenge the Maui BioPesticide Mosquito Experiment Natural Birthing Needs Urgent Support in Hawai‘i Oppose BioPesticide Mosquitoes by Wed. 3/8 to BLNR Where is Maui Safe Sleeping Parking Lot? Wolbachia Mosquito Control Technique Being Reviewed Wolbachia Mosquitoes: Call to Action! Wolbachia Mosquitoes in Hawaii: Update The Tortilla Machine Blew Up Hanaside News – Thirsty Kahikinui Recap of Resource Recovery Maui 2022 Wolbachia Mosquitoes in Hawaii: Unsettled Science (Part 2) Wolbachia Mosquitoes in Hawaii: Unsettled Science (Part 1) Department of Ag Introducing New Mosquito Wolbachia bacteria-inoculated mosquitoes planned for Maui Waikapu Fence Rental DHHL: Rescind ROE for Cattle Removal in Kahikinui Hawai‘i’s Hunters Protest HogStop Resource Recovery Maui 2022 You Got My Vote 2022 Protected: Sustainable Housing TIG Protected: Stephen Loftin KOOKIES Maui ~ Playful Couture Resource Recovery Maui 2021 Ho‘olako Agriculture Consulting Protected: Mo & Sons Ranch Farm Helekunihi Cultural Foundation Faith Chase Maui Hosts Unification Rally in Response to Unlawful Mandates Kahikinui Get ‘Er Done Committee Taking The Bull By The Horns Hawai‘i Remote Education Rewards Restoration Day for Hawai‘i UnTitled Damming Evidence County Communication 20-545 Water Guns Surviving the Jaws of Corporate Fraud Re-Elect the “New Kids on The Block” Photographs by Stephen Loftin After Affects of “After-the-Fact” Special Management Area Permit Intentional Chaos Navigating Homelessness Verbiage Commission on Healing Solutions for Homelessness Introduced Vote for Farming Supporters WSL Served Cease and Desist Orders Maui County Department of Ag Moving Forward Wea ‘Da Mayor? Let the Solutions Flow ~ RESCHEDULED > Dec 26th RRMaui 2021 Sponsorship Benefits Resource Recovery Maui 2019 Replay Mom in the Kingdom How To Testify In Support of FAM Beyond Repair Costing Basics for Multi Crop Vegetables Power To The People If there is Farming, The Water must Flow Mauna Kea Protectors Reaffirm Stance to Kapu Aloha Hawai‘i – Where the Water Buffalo Roam Community Reach & Growing it Forward Raw Milk Movement Opportunity for Hawai‘i Kalama Intermediate is New Home for Upcountry Farmers Union Meetings Commodification of Culture: Notice of War Crimes Maui A&B Sugar Lands Sell for $262 Million Food Sovereignty and Food Security in Hawai‘i: Food For Thought Na Wahine Koa / Strong Women Commemorative Edition Kīpahulu Farmers Honored by Aloha Festivals Farmers Voice Hawaii √ 2018 Election Choice SATURDAY Kanaka Maoli March to Vote The Struggle For Wai Has Taken Its Toll Reporting Pesticide Use Near Hawai‘i Schools Improved Communication needed amongst Kahikinui Leaseholders Sustainable Agriculture Committee December 2017 Newsletter Ka Manaʻo o ka Lā If You Canʻt Erase, Use White Out Ka Manaʻo o ka Lā Ka Manaʻo o ka Lā Pa‘ia Developer Fails in His Promise To Reach Community How to Host A Community Meeting Ka Manaʻo o ka Lā Ka Manaʻo o ka Lā Ka Manaʻo o ka Lā Dirty Dozen Done Hawai‘i Good Ka Manaʻo o ka Lā Ka Manaʻo o ka Lā Island Air Aloha & Passwords Ka Manaʻo o ka Lā Ka Manaʻo o ka Lā Ka Mana‘o o ka Lā Ka Mana‘o o ka Lā Ka Mana‘o o ka Lā Raising Maui Girl Power Gets Good

Beyond Repair

Reclamation on the farm and ranch is mainstay. We replace handles of shovels and weed tools, we glue a cracked bucket from time to time, we upcycle where we can. There are times though, that retiring a tool is inevitable. A broken ladder, because its purely unsafe, is taken to metals recycling; a rusty bent […]

If there is Farming, The Water must Flow

During the last many years whenever there is a meeting regarding water and East Maui the question has always been raised, “How many farmers are there?” The question that ought to be asked is, “How many farmers could there be?”. The embattled thirty year fight for East Maui water with recently sold Alexander & Baldwin […]

Mauna Kea Protectors Reaffirm Stance to Kapu Aloha

Peaceful protest at Mauna Kea on moku o Keawe (Hawai‘i island) over the last two weeks has brought alaka‘i (lead) protectors to organize thousands of Mauna Kea kia‘i (protectors) at the base of the sacred mountain. A thirty meter telescope has been of contentious debate since a groundbreaking ceremony was stopped in 2014. Kia‘i chained […]

Hawai‘i – Where the Water Buffalo Roam

With simultaneous timing to the Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture confirmation decision and the required published legal notice, Kauai kalo farmer Don Heacock and Arkansas water buffalo rancher Tom Olson, drove pregnant water buffalo 1600 miles from Texarkana, Arkansas to Los Angeles Airport for delivery to Hawai‘i via Air Cargo

Community Reach & Growing it Forward

blog-style post for International Women’s Day With all the nervousness in the air with new Maui sugar lands purchase and the constant national lure of despair, its taken some will power to stay positive. After careful observation of intergenerational farmers and the involvement of county, state and non profit organization support, I have to admit, […]

Commodification of Culture: Notice of War Crimes

PARENT WARNING: Disturbing pictures of animals included later in this article. It started a year ago. Department of Hawaiian Homelands granted a commercial operator Right of Entry and thus, exclusive hunting rights in the southern remote Maui area of Kahikinui. This contradicts policy on commercial activities of this sort by the Department of Hawaiian Homelands (DHHL). DHHL sent […]

Maui A&B Sugar Lands Sell for $262 Million

HONOLULU, HAWAIʻI (Dec. 20, 2018) – Mahi Pono, LLC, today announced the purchase of approximately 41,000 acres of former Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company lands on the island of Maui from Alexander & Baldwin. This agreement ensures the continued use of these lands for agriculture, the preservation of green, open space in Central Maui, and […]

Food Sovereignty and Food Security in Hawai‘i: Food For Thought

In the preface of David Gumpert’s book, “The Raw Milk Revolution: behind America’s emerging battle over food rights”, Joel Salatin states: In the 1970’s I sold our homemade yogurt, butter, buttermilk and cottage cheese at the Curb Market (precursor to today’s Farmer’s Market) on Saturday mornings. In those days, the Virginia Dept. Of Agriculture had […]

Na Wahine Koa / Strong Women

Hawai‘i Public Radio provides continual community reach that enriches every corner of Hawai‘i. We are grateful for this story of Hawai‘i Women Warriors here and the many others since 1981 that have helped keep Hawai‘i residents and appreciators informed and thus empowered.       History of Hawaii Public Radio Hawaii Wahine Leadership   Featured […]

Improved Communication needed amongst Kahikinui Leaseholders

On April 21st, 2018 Kahikinui Hawaiian Homestead lease holders met at Hale Pi‘i. Many of the 84 adults in attendance had heard about the meeting through word of mouth. Many lease holders did not receive communication from Department of Hawaiian Homelands about the meeting. Many more lease holders did not receive communication on other Kahikinui […]