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East Maui decedents Mary Ann Kamalani Pahukoa and Napua Hueu fight corporate and government corruption. They were born into one of the largest water wars of the tropical rain forest and abundant East Maui Ko‘olau mountains. Their work and other Generation Y adults have recently been unfairly mislabeled. They look to set the record straight. The link to a 38 minute video is at the bottom of this page.

The island of Maui in Hawai‘i has had one of the largest water battles in history. A hundred year plus battle. Long standing court cases, incestuous land and water boards, corporation control of government, all these and more have led a sad path for native tenants who merely want water to farm.

Broken promises exhausted seventeen years in court with an unspoken compromise that doesn’t serve the area completely. A recently televised publicity piece insinuated that the waters have been restored. Quite the contrary. While one valley celebrates, hundreds more await their water for subsistence survival.

The court battles have seen three generations of water warriors. This GenerationY, aka GenY, is taking new approach and repeatedly asks Government, Why? Why do you not follow your own laws? To understand East Maui GenY you must understand international law. It is a fact that Hawai‘i was illegal overthrown. The premise in which police officers must conduct themselves under the Law of War Manual is in need of education for present day officers and new recruits.

Recent events surrounding a land dispute that also happens to be in the vicinity of one of Maui’s largest watersheds, has endangered these GenY adults. Social media is helping bring awareness to the process and truth to the root issue. It has been noted that members of GenY have a unique familiarity with technology. This has been useful in dispelling the frequency of inaccuracies and lies that have burdened the work surrounding water and land reclamation.

A long route of illegal Tax Map Key process has perpetuated land issues that are simply laid out, in both US laws and Kingdom law, under what is called Land Commission Awards or LCA’s. In observing the vacancy of land records, it appears it took approximately nine years to disenfranchise the people of Hawai‘i from their ancestral and sacred places as these LCA lands were converted to TMKs.

The status of Hawai‘i people inspires this group of East Maui GenY to work hard and fearlessly in exposing the corruption for the greater good of all of Hawai‘i and especially for those with genealogical ties who break the records in addiction, jail and death.

The fraudulent Hawai‘i tax map key process is related to the water theft, the water theft is related to hardships to Hawaiians, the hardships of Hawaiians has inspired leaders, the leaders are inspiring native tenants, the native tenants inspire agriculture, and agriculture demands water.

Please view videos that explain more on the current events in East Maui, Hawai‘i by visiting East Maui Water fb page

Related story: A&B and EMI Commit Massive Environmental Crime

Accompanying page: Help End Real Estate Fraud in Hawai‘i

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