Revisiting Kahikinui CBED & Makai Management Plan Dismantling Hopelessness on Maui Paddling in Stolen Waters GenY Hawaiians Fighting Real Estate Fraud Ask Why? A&B and East Maui Irrigation Commit Massive Environmental Crimes Addressing Solutions for Maui’s Unsheltered There’s No Water Under The Bridge Maui Sand Burials & the Grand Heist of 30Mil a Year Challenge the Maui BioPesticide Mosquito Experiment Natural Birthing Needs Urgent Support in Hawai‘i Oppose BioPesticide Mosquitoes by Wed. 3/8 to BLNR Where is Maui Safe Sleeping Parking Lot? Wolbachia Mosquito Control Technique Being Reviewed Wolbachia Mosquitoes: Call to Action! Wolbachia Mosquitoes in Hawaii: Update The Tortilla Machine Blew Up Hanaside News – Thirsty Kahikinui Recap of Resource Recovery Maui 2022 Wolbachia Mosquitoes in Hawaii: Unsettled Science (Part 2) Wolbachia Mosquitoes in Hawaii: Unsettled Science (Part 1) Department of Ag Introducing New Mosquito Wolbachia bacteria-inoculated mosquitoes planned for Maui Waikapu Fence Rental DHHL: Rescind ROE for Cattle Removal in Kahikinui Hawai‘i’s Hunters Protest HogStop Resource Recovery Maui 2022 You Got My Vote 2022 Protected: Sustainable Housing TIG Protected: Stephen Loftin KOOKIES Maui ~ Playful Couture Resource Recovery Maui 2021 Ho‘olako Agriculture Consulting Protected: Mo & Sons Ranch Farm Helekunihi Cultural Foundation Faith Chase Maui Hosts Unification Rally in Response to Unlawful Mandates Kahikinui Get ‘Er Done Committee Taking The Bull By The Horns Hawai‘i Remote Education Rewards Restoration Day for Hawai‘i UnTitled Damming Evidence County Communication 20-545 Water Guns Surviving the Jaws of Corporate Fraud Re-Elect the “New Kids on The Block” Photographs by Stephen Loftin After Affects of “After-the-Fact” Special Management Area Permit Intentional Chaos Navigating Homelessness Verbiage Commission on Healing Solutions for Homelessness Introduced Vote for Farming Supporters WSL Served Cease and Desist Orders Maui County Department of Ag Moving Forward Wea ‘Da Mayor? Let the Solutions Flow ~ RESCHEDULED > Dec 26th RRMaui 2021 Sponsorship Benefits Resource Recovery Maui 2019 Replay Mom in the Kingdom How To Testify In Support of FAM Beyond Repair Costing Basics for Multi Crop Vegetables Power To The People If there is Farming, The Water must Flow Mauna Kea Protectors Reaffirm Stance to Kapu Aloha Hawai‘i – Where the Water Buffalo Roam Community Reach & Growing it Forward Raw Milk Movement Opportunity for Hawai‘i Kalama Intermediate is New Home for Upcountry Farmers Union Meetings Commodification of Culture: Notice of War Crimes Maui A&B Sugar Lands Sell for $262 Million Food Sovereignty and Food Security in Hawai‘i: Food For Thought Na Wahine Koa / Strong Women Commemorative Edition Kīpahulu Farmers Honored by Aloha Festivals Farmers Voice Hawaii √ 2018 Election Choice SATURDAY Kanaka Maoli March to Vote The Struggle For Wai Has Taken Its Toll Reporting Pesticide Use Near Hawai‘i Schools Improved Communication needed amongst Kahikinui Leaseholders Sustainable Agriculture Committee December 2017 Newsletter Ka Manaʻo o ka Lā If You Canʻt Erase, Use White Out Ka Manaʻo o ka Lā Ka Manaʻo o ka Lā Pa‘ia Developer Fails in His Promise To Reach Community How to Host A Community Meeting Ka Manaʻo o ka Lā Ka Manaʻo o ka Lā Ka Manaʻo o ka Lā Dirty Dozen Done Hawai‘i Good Ka Manaʻo o ka Lā Ka Manaʻo o ka Lā Island Air Aloha & Passwords Ka Manaʻo o ka Lā Ka Manaʻo o ka Lā Ka Mana‘o o ka Lā Ka Mana‘o o ka Lā Ka Mana‘o o ka Lā Raising Maui Girl Power Gets Good

Raw Milk Movement Opportunity for Hawai‘i


Unfortunately, although HB536 was scheduled for a hearing on Wed 1/31, the Committees ran out of time from other agendas that day and were therefore unable to receive testimony on this bill. Due to our advance notice requirements, in order to still consider this bill we were therefore required to re-schedule this bill and treat this hearing (and the testimony process) as if it were an entirely new hearing. PLEASE RESUBMIT or SUBMIT TESTIMONY for HB536 AGAiN here:

bill to facilitate the State’s ability to meet a growing demand for locally-produced unpasteurized dairy products made progressive traction today in the State of Hawai‘i legislature. Senate Bill 451 passed through the Agriculture and Environment Committee. We now await a scheduled date for the Commerce, Consumer Protection and Health (CPH) Committee to hear the bill. The testimony with comments is where the true importance lays. The time taken by busy ranchers and farmers to submit thorough and scientific commentary is worthy to note. Quick glance here: SB451 Testimony

Thirty-five states permit some form of sale or distribution of unpasteurized cow, sheep, or goat milk for human consumption, twelve of which permit the sale of unpasteurized milk in retail stores.


As our largest Hawai‘i island dairy closes and another Hawai‘i dairy farm fundraises to stay alive this proposed bill presents an interesting pivot of understanding the value of raw milk. There are progressive amendments that can catapult ranching and farming advantages in Hawai‘i.

Many small farms have the capability and desire to offer unpasteurized dairy products to consumers that seek locally-produced dairy products. However, certain regulations limit or prohibit access to unpasteurized dairy products.

Here is the bill language and some subject specific articles. Farmers Voice Hawai‘i will follow this bill and report here and on our facebook page Farmers Voice Hawai‘i.

State of Hawai‘i legislature Senate bill SB451:

While we await a hearing date for the CPH Commerce, Consumer Protection and Health Committee to hear this bill you may at your interest and ability send testimony to CPH Committee to Chair Senator Roz Baker at and Vice Chair at


What Is Real Milk? (Tri-Fold Brochure)


The source of most commercial milk is the modern Holstein,* bred to produce huge quantities of milk–three times as much as the old-fashioned cow. She needs special feed and antibiotics to keep her well. Her milk contains high levels of growth hormone from her pituitary gland, even when she is spared the indignities of genetically engineered Bovine Growth Hormone to push her to the udder limits of milk production.

*Please note, there are farmers who produce excellent “Real Milk” using older lines of Holsteins and Holstein crosses (Holsteins who can survive on grass are “old-fashioned”). It is the modern commercial Holstein, bred only for quantity, not quality, and pumped full of hormones and antibiotics, that should be avoided. Know your supplier! Ask questions!

Join A Campaign for Real Milk: Buy only milk from old-fashioned breeds of cows, such as but not limited to Jerseys, Guernseys, Red Devons, Brown Swiss, Milking Shorthorns, Dutch Belted, or older genetic lines of Holsteins, or from goats or sheep. (Or, depending on what part of the world you live in, from llamas, camels, mares, donkeys, water buffalo, or reindeer!)


Real feed for cows is green grass in Spring, Summer and Fall; stored dry hay, silage, hay and root vegetables in Winter. It is not soy meal, cottonseed meal or other commercial feeds, nor is it bakery waste, chicken manure or citrus peel cake, laced with pesticides. Vital nutrients like vitamins A and D, and Price’s “Activator X” (a fat-soluble catalyst that promotes optimum mineral assimilation, now believed to be vitamin K2) are greatest in milk from cows eating green grass, especially rapidly growing green grass in the spring and fall. Vitamins A and D are greatly diminished, and Activator X disappears, when milk cows are fed commercial feed. Soy meal has the wrong protein profile for the dairy cow, resulting in a short burst of high milk production followed by premature death. Most milk (even most milk labeled “organic”) comes from dairy cows that are kept in confinement their entire lives and never see green grass!

Join A Campaign for Real Milk: Buy only milk products from herds allowed to graze on green pasture.


Pasteurization destroys enzymes, diminishes vitamin content, denatures fragile milk proteins, destroys vitamins C, B12 and B6, kills beneficial bacteria, promotes pathogens and is associated with allergies, increased tooth decay, colic in infants, growth problems in children, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease and cancer. Calves fed pasteurized milk do poorly and many die before maturity. Raw milk sours naturally but pasteurized milk turns putrid; processors must remove slime and pus from pasteurized milk by a process of centrifugal clarification. Inspection of dairy herds for disease is not required for pasteurized milk. Pasteurization was instituted in the 1920s to combat TB, infant diarrhea, undulant fever and other diseases caused by poor animal nutrition and dirty production methods. But times have changed and modern stainless steel tanks, milking machines, refrigerated trucks and inspection methods make pasteurization absolutely unnecessary for public protection. And pasteurization does not always kill the bacteria for Johne’s disease suspected of causing Crohn’s disease in humans with which most confinement cows are infected. Much commercial milk is now ultra-pasteurized to get rid of heat-resistant bacteria and give it a longer shelf life. Ultra-pasteurization is a violent process that takes milk from a chilled temperature to above the boiling point in less than two seconds. Clean raw milk from certified healthy cows is available commercially in several states and may be bought directly from the farm in many more. (Sources are listed on

Join A Campaign for Real Milk: Demand access in all states to clean, raw milk. Boycott processed milk!


Homogenization is a process that breaks down butterfat globules so they do not rise to the top. Homogenized milk has been linked to heart disease.

Join A Campaign for Real Milk: Use only milk with “Cream on the Top.”


Average butterfat content from old-fashioned cows at the turn of the century was over 4% (or more than 50% of calories). Today butterfat comprises less than 3% (or less than 35% of calories). Worse, consumers have been duped into believing that low-fat and skim milk products are good for them. Only by marketing low-fat and skim milk as a health food can the modern dairy industry get rid of its excess poor-quality, low-fat milk from modern high-production herds. Butterfat contains vitamins A and D needed for assimilation of calcium and protein in the water fraction of the milk. Without them protein and calcium are more difficult to utilize and possibly toxic. Butterfat is rich in short- and medium chain fatty acids which protect against disease and stimulate the immune system. It contains glyco-spingolipids which prevent intestinal distress and conjugated linoleic acid which has strong anticancer properties.

Join A Campaign for Real Milk: Buy only full-fat milk products.


Powdered skim milk, a source of dangerous oxidized cholesterol and neurotoxic amino acids, is added to 1% and 2% milk. Low-fat yogurts and sour creams contain mucopolysaccharide slime to give them body. Pale butter from hay-fed cows contains colorings to make it look like vitamin-rich butter from grass-fed cows. Bioengineered enzymes are used in large-scale cheese production. Many mass produced cheeses contain additives and colorings and imitation cheese products contain vegetable oils.

Join A Campaign for Real Milk: Boycott counterfeits.


Pasteurization laws favor large, industrialized dairy operations and squeeze out small farmers. When farmers have the right to sell unprocessed milk to consumers, they can make a decent living, even with small herds.

Why a Campaign for Real Milk?

Back in the 1970s, a couple of blokes were sitting in an English pub, bemoaning the consolidation of the brewing industry in England and the decline of British beer and ale. A commodity that represented the soul of Britain–carefully brewed ales from countless small-scale manufacturers, each with a distinctive color and taste–had been edged out by the insipid canned beers of a few large monopolistic breweries. What was needed, they decided, was a return to traditional brewing methods. They launched A Campaign for Real Ale, which soon became the force that turned back the mega-brewers and reinstated varied and delicious ales to English tables and pubs.

Back in the 20s, Americans could buy fresh raw whole milk, real clabber and buttermilk, luscious naturally yellow butter, fresh farm cheeses and cream in various colors and thicknesses. Today’s milk is accused of causing everything from allergies to heart disease to cancer, but when Americans could buy Real Milk, these diseases were rare. In fact, a supply of high-quality dairy products was considered vital to American security and the economic well being of the nation.

What’s needed today is a return to humane, non-toxic, pasture-based dairying and small-scale traditional processing, in short . . . A Campaign for Real Milk.

Real Milk–Nature’s Perfect Food

Galen, Hippocrates, Pliny, Varro, Marcellus Empiricus, Bacchis and Anthimus, leading physicians of their day, all used raw milk in the treatment of disease. During the 1920s, Dr. J. E. Crewe of the Mayo Foundation used a diet of raw milk to cure TB, edema, heart failure, high blood pressure, prostate disease, urinary tract infections, diabetes, kidney disease, chronic fatigue and obesity. Today, in Germany, successful raw milk therapy is provided in many hospitals.

Studies show that children fed raw milk have more resistance to TB than children fed pasteurized milk (Lancet, p 1142, 5/8/37); that raw milk is very effective in preventing scurvy and protecting against flu, diphtheria and pneumonia (Am J Dis Child, Nov 1917); that raw milk prevents tooth decay, even in children who eat a lot of sugar (Lancet, p 1142, 5/8/37); that raw milk is better than pasteurized milk in promoting growth and calcium absorption (Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 518, p 8, 1/33); that a substance present in raw cream (but not in pasteurized cream) prevents joint stiffness and the pain of arthritis (Annual Review of Biochemistry, 18:435, 1944); and that children who drink raw milk have fewer allergic skin problems and far less asthma than children who drink pasteurized milk (Lancet 2001 358(9288):1129-33).