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Raising Maui Girl Power Gets Good


Faith Chase, a 50-year resident of Maui, is a mother and grandmother who has testified at many Maui County and Hawaii State hearings. Her interest in island agriculture inspired her turn from graphic design to writing.

Maui County Councilwoman Elle Cochran, Kauai County Councilman Gary Hooser and The Mom Hui Kaua‘i member Lori Keohokalole-Torio at Mauiʻs 3rd Anti-GMO March on Ka‘ahumanu Avenue, Kahului, Maui.

Personal Reflections of Raising Maui Women

Its a quiet feat to bottle your nervousness about raising a young woman in times like this. Itʻs there, the nervousness exists. As a mother of girls you are constantly saying things of reassurance that you donʻt terribly believe as you say them. You encourage and reiterate statements of command and hopefulness because you know your daughters need to own this attitude. Itʻs a survival mechanism.

We have not yet arrived at a place of fairness, manners and equality. That is sad but we must not pass this sadness on to our young women. Some may say truth is a better vehicle but I implore an expeditious attempt to draw an attitude of intolerance to the tragic and mundane of old and poor attitudes towards women. In doing this, my daughters have faired well unfair judgement.

I always knew that my daughters would have their work cut out for them. Encourage, encourage, encourage. I tell friends who admire them, my job was to keep putting the crayons in front of them.

Through my proudly vigorous volunteer capacities and community give back motives I have witnessed the good, the bad and the ugly. Those who have been ugly are lucky my mother taught me manners. Doubt not that my restraint of comment has saved many a face. Itʻs still ugly out there for women. Those observations, my observations, have purpose.

My kindheartedly participation in civic capacities have provided the best of suggestions for my daughters community participation, or not. I condone nothing less than that of absolute attention to the power my daughters have to contribute to those who reciprocate with respect.

This wahine (woman) demanded respect has not been digestible by all. Some misinterpret the attitudes of my strong willed daughters as that of some misalignment of social protocol. Oh how that is not so. My daughters happen to be born under that curious constellation of intolerance and high evolving expectancy of their planet. And, they were taught to first and always respect. If their attitudes altered, itʻs likely the receiver has invited disrespect onto themselves.

While this appears to be about girls and faith, it is not. Through the years I have been reluctant to hard sell, convince, speak dogma, convert and the like. Campaigns I will always have but all eggs in one basket, never. Until now. I am so relieved that I can proudly point my daughters in one direction of a local woman leader.

I knew I loved her from watching the local Akaku channel 53 Maui County Council meetings but I recently had the opportunity to talk story with Elle Cochran. What an amazing committed, tough-enough Maui tita (tough woman)! Maui County Council woman Elle Cochranʻs questions, commentary and command at every speaking lifts me out of my seat. I have never witnessed such adamant delivery and conviction in everything worthy as I do when I watch her work. Maui and Maui women are truly blessed.

I canʻt wait to host a coffee hour with my family and Elle. I canʻt wait to sport her bumper sticker, I canʻt wait to attend a fundraiser to hear her hard work and hopefulness and I canʻt wait for her to be the mayor of Maui. She is committed to this work, eyes wide open and heart exploding with wahine mana and purpose.

My name is Faith and I have waited a long time to witness hope like this. My girls have a role model and it is a good day on Maui.  Vote Elle Cochran for Maui Mayor!