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Faith Chase, a 50-year resident of Maui, is a mother and grandmother who has testified at many Maui County and Hawaii State hearings. Her interest in island agriculture inspired her turn from graphic design to writing.

Remote testifying at the Maui County has become a reality after 25+ years. An alternative to public testimony has been triggered by concerns surrounding the corona virus. Maui residents can provide remote testimony for the April 9th Economic Development and Budget Committee meeting through an online program called, BlueJeans.

The new option to testify via the internet is a timely option as next week farming students on Maui look to see important budget appropriations considered. A recent decision by a statewide farming organization has forced the Farm Apprenticeship Mentoring (FAM) program to organize supporters to provide remote testimony in critical support of the program.

The successful FAM program has been struggling with fair and reasonable representation. A budget line item of $270k, originally designated for the FAM program, was abruptly diverted into a greater budget pool for the Hawaii Farmers Union United (HFUU). FAM founders and supporters are working diligently to educate their fellow Maui residents to understand and learn how to provide testimony to the Economic Development and Budget Committee.

The remote testimony program BlueJeans needs to be downloaded ahead of hearing on a computer or smart phone. The link is The Economic Development & Budget Committee scheduled for April 9th at 9:00 a.m. to 12 p.m can be accessed at the following link:

If anyone needs assistance with downloading the BlueJeans app and getting started, you can request technical support by emailing

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Background, Facts & Testimony Process

Maui County Council is currently deciding whether or not the FAM budgeted monies will be RETURNED to its own Line Item in the County Budget or if funding will remain lumped under HFUU. FAM needs its own line item in the County Budget and under its own 501.c3.

FAM will formally become itʻs own independent non-profit by the summer of 2020. In the meantime, Food Security Hawaii (FSH) as offered to host FAM temporarily. Food Security Hawaii is a local Maui non-profit with an egalitarian board.

Food Security Hawaii believes that the solution to island-wide food security and global climate change are one in the same – creating carbon rich fertile soils for local food production. World leaders are waking up to their responsibility to return atmospheric carbon to the soil. Our goal is to help farmers increase their soil fertility while sequestering atmospheric carbon, all while earning substantial financial gains through the new voluntary carbon market.

The goals of Food Security Hawaii will advance all 5 of Hawaii’s Sustainability Task Force’s goals for 2050 as well as all of the goals of Hawaii’s Carbon Farming Task Force. We will offset the carbon footprint of our tourist industry and protect the beauty of our islands by developing a healthy agricultural economy.


Top Reasons for Farm Apprenticeship Mentoring (FAM) independence:

FAM is a highly successful community-based beginning farmer program here in Maui County. It has been successful because of the leaders involved to date. There is no continued benefit for FAM to be managed by HFUU because it is a top-heavy state-wide organization with a complicated financial history and needs of its own.

There is a severe lack of collaboration in the HFUU administration. The decision makers failed to collect the information they needed to make an informed decision on employment of FAM program leaders. Thirteen chapter presidents from across the islands did not consult with their respective chapter board of directors before voting to fire two FAM program leaders.

The organization (singular) of Hawaii Farmers Union United (HFUU) / Hawaii Farmers Union Foundation (HFUF) has many political and inner conflicts that FAM has none of. These conflicts have negatively impacted FAM.

FAM leaders have worked well in plans to expand program offering to Moloka’i and Lāna’i. They will also increase efficacy in Hāna and Lāhaina. Councilmember Rawlins-Fernandez requested this program expansion work, and funds were made available for the deserving FAM budget for the 2020 programming.

FAM has strong ties to many community alliances like the University of Hawaii Maui College, Farm Services Agency of the United States Department of Agriculture and East Maui kalo farmers.


Important Related Maui County Scheduled Meetings and Agendas

The Economic Development and Budget Committee will hold meetings through April 2020 on the Fiscal Year 2021 budget.

Meeting agendas are available at:

Due to COVID-19 concerns, meetings will be conducted remotely via the BlueJeans video conferencing service. You have the opportunity to provide testimony during the meetings by using the phone number or video link provided on the meeting agenda.

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REMOTE ACCESS GUIDELINES for SPOKEN TESTIMONY for the April 9th, 2020 Maui County Council Economic Development and Budget Committee Meeting:

DATE / TIME: Thursday April 9, 9am – 12noon VIA BLUEJEANS (see directions for this platform below)

Meeting Address (once you’ve joined BlueJeans):


Preparing a 3- minute testimony is advised. If you want to say more, kindly ask the council members to ask you questions afterwards.

1. Greet the Council

Aloha’e Chair Rawlins-Fernandez and members of the Committee. Thank you for your precious time and in offering an opportunity for us to speak.

2. Introduce yourself

My name is … I live … I farm X # of acres ….. I want to learn and farm X # of acres … I grow..

3. Tell your FAM story

Back up your support for Farm Apprentice M with facts. What have you witnessed while participating with FAM.

4. Make your Ask (why are you taking the time to testify today?)

What are you asking the Council to do?

Make FAM independent from HFUU as its own 501.c3, give reasons…

5. Close

Reiterate anything you want to – closing statement. And thank the Council for their time, and for their consideration.

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Best Practices Tips

This video is approximately 4 minutes and provides best practices, profile set up, joining & scheduling settings and meeting id set up, & overview: Getting-Started-with-Your-BlueJeans-Account

Quick Start Guide

Schedule, join and in-meeting experiences:

Other training option from BlueJeans

Be sure to select BlueJeans Meeting modules

Tips & Tricks for remote workers
Workday Learning has a training video called “Learning BlueJeans Meetings”:

Login into your Workday account
Click on the “Learning” worklet
Select “Browse Learning”
Type “BlueJeans” in the search area of the screen


Attending Meetings without giving testimony
If you are just going to attend a BlueJeans meeting, you do not need to sign up or download any software. Instead, go to:


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Maui County Related Information

Maui County Budget


Lift & Load County Council Member Emails,,,,,,,,


Budget Discussion Schedule by Department (subject to change)

Quick Glance:

April 1 – budget overview, revenues, countywide costs, general budget provisions, Budget Office, Department of Finance

April 6 – Office of the County Clerk, Office of Council Services, Office of the County Auditor, Department of Corporation Counsel, Emergency Management Agency

April 7 – Department of Environmental Management, Department of Finance

April 8 – Department of Fire and Public Safety, Department of Housing and Human Concerns

April 9 – Department of Liquor Control, Department of Management, Office of the Mayor

April 13 – Department of Parks and Recreation, Department of Personnel, Department of Planning

April 14 – Department of Police, Department of the Prosecuting Attorney, Department of Public Works

April 15 – Department of Transportation, Department of Water Supply


Maui County Council Economic Development and Budget Committee

Download (PDF, 304KB)


Additional Contact Information
Maui County Council
Office of Council Services
200 South High Street
Wailuku, Hawaii 96793
(808) 270-7838

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LINK TO RELATED STORY: Teaching Farmers Reorganized