to Oppose BioPesticide Mosquitoes
The State of Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) will be discussing the planned biopesticide mosquito experiment at their next Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) meeting on Friday, March 10, 2023 at 9:15am. We need to let the BLNR know that we are opposed to this project moving forward and that we are demanding an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Right now is the time to really make our voices heard on this. Please email your testimony in advance of the deadline to make sure that it is received.
Subject: BLNR Meeting 3/10/23 9:15am Agenda Item C2 “Informational Briefing on the Hawai’i Forest Bird Extinction Crisis and DLNR’s Proposed Strategy to prevent their Extinction on Maui and Kauai”
I’m opposed to the planned biopesticide mosquito releases on Maui. This project is an experiment on our island home. There are serious risks, and the outcome is admittedly unknown.
The lab-reared mosquitoes will be infected with a different strain of Wolbachia bacteria, which could cause them to become more capable of spreading diseases like avian malaria and West Nile virus (bird and human). While state agencies and wildlife officials are hoping this novel strategy will prevent extinction of native birds, it may cause their extinction, and it could impact human health.
Scientific studies document the risks of horizontal transmission, increased pathogen infection, evolutionary events, population replacement, and accidental release of females (who bite and breed). This project would also have significant environmental consequences, including viewscape and noise disturbances, and impacts to the untrammeled, natural qualities of the wilderness character.
I do not accept the Environmental Assessment’s Anticipated Finding of No Significant Impact (DEA-AFONSI). The scope, risks, and experimental nature of the plan require detailed, comprehensive studies and documentation of the impacts to our native birds, wildlife, environment, and public health. I demand an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
You can also provide video testimony at Friday’s meeting by emailing a separate request for the Zoom link to
Our petition to the decision makers for this project is also continuing to circulate, and we need as many signatures as possible. Anyone can sign, including friends and family who live out of state. Please share this link with your contacts through email, text, and social media:
Mahalo to everyone for getting the word out and opposing this mosquito release project. Please remember to send in your testimony by Wednesday 3/8/23.
Tina Lia
Founder & President
Hawaii Unites
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